Wednesday, 19 June 2013

My First Ever Post!

Welcome to my new page! I basically wanted a page where I could express the side of me that adores make up, hair and anything to do with beauty really. However, I'm not someone that can afford designer brands or the best make up, so really this is for people that can't afford those types of things and have a budget to stick to. I know how frustrating it is to type into youtube a smokey eye or something and all the things the guru's use are well out of your price range, so for those people that feel the same here's a little something from me to you! So if you have any requests the just feel free to comment on one of my posts and I'll try my best but please be patient if it takes time or try to understand if I cant do it  :)

Something I like to do is review products so on this page I will have reviews along with maybe some tutorials and things I would reccomend to everyone.